Most taxpayers received a Federal “Stimulus Check” or “Economic Impact Payment” from the Federal government for 2020 tax year. We will need to reconcile your payment to determine if you are owed any additional payment when we prepare your 2020 tax returns. In the coming weeks you should receive Notice 1444 which will show the amount of your payment. When you receive this notice, please place it with you rother important tax documents that you will being to us when you are ready for us to prepare your 2020 tax returns.
On December 27, 2020 President Trump signed the new stimulus act which includes an additional $600 stimulus payment to each taxpayer and dependents. The President has stated that he wants Congress to increase this to $2,000 for each taxpayer and dependent, so we are waiting for Congress to see if both parties can reach an agreement. We will update our site with any new changes when they are published.